Dear Diary,
I have been thinking about so many things lately.
Why am I still in Singapore and why am I still here???
I just keep on asking myself, why ya? why?
I think Only GOd knows the answer to my qsn.
Sometimes I feel so difficult to work here**
With the stress and expectations in work everyday,
I have to learn so many things fast,
remember things and how to solve problems efficiently.
I hope I am trying my best at work though...
Just a little stress sometimes not knowing how and what to do...
That now, I am wondering how long I can stay in this job.
I can only do my best and be positive about this happenings around me,
that whatever I do will be useful for my future.
So that in the future, I can have good experience, able to handle things
and be independent.
hehehe,, I just realised one thing..
life is not as easy!!! and there's really such thing as hard earned money^^
money that is really earned by your sweat and tears.
Eventhough all this happen to me now,
I am still happy though^^
Thank you to all my friends who always support me and comfort me when I am feeling down and low.
My sisters and brothers- Love you all!
you colour my life so beautifully and appreciate all your sincerity and kindness.
Thank GOd too! For he is good in my life.
"Semua yang indah, bagus, mahal harganya itu,
semuanya membutuhkan proses yang mungkin pahit, mengerikan, susah, dan memusingkan.
Tetapi semua pengorbanan pasti akan terbayar pada saatnya yang tepat, yang telah
dijanjikan dan direncanakan Tuhan^^.
Trust in Him and you will never go wrong in life++