Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My lovely bracelet


An early christmas present for myself!
(Moss Agate opal Bracelet)

The dendrites are simply awesome...
and the smooth grey colour surface just suit any colour of your clothes.

I'm loving it!

Moving out hustle><

wooossshh wooosshh**

buku bertebaran dimana mana,
baju uwel2an,
tas2 disana sini,
make up,perhiasan, cream,bantal, guling,
botol,koper,jepet,pensil, pen,
obat, semuanya campur aduk!

hehehe... belum sepatu, dan lain2...

tiap hari pulang early beres2..
jarang2 nih seperti ini.
makan2nan rumah, have a quiet time with my things...
I realised...- that I really have so so so many nice things inside my cupboard.
Wow! collections of magazines, jewellery, make up, etc etc, the list goes on...

hehe... LInda hari ini kerumah mbantuiin><
Rafael juga nih. bawa mobil untuk bawa barang2.
sempet jatuh juga semua barang2nya.

Udah ga sabar pindah ke rumah baru.

Hopefully rumah yang paling indah di SIngapore.


Capek but happy nih!
semuanya 80% sudah beres!
Berkat Iona yang serba cepat kalau membereskan.
dan semuanya^^ yg cowo2 yg udah bantuiin ngrakitin.. nggotong2,
capek2 demi kita Thank you!!!!
Hebat!!! hohoho....


Monday, November 24, 2008

Chinese language in my life><

aku sangat bersyukur...
karena aku bisa berbahasa cina.
walau tidak seberapa ok dan perfect,
walau aku sering fail di sekolah,
walau orang2 sering ga mudeng bahasa cina ku,
karena hampir tidak pernah digunakan, tetapi sekarang,...
semua effort ku ga sia2 dan sangan dibutuhkan
- karenaaaaa semua org di office kecuali aku ga bisa baca cina><

High pressure nih!

Kejadiannya baru mulai hari rabo, waktu senior ku
quit her job. Selama ini dia yang bantuiin kerjaiin hampir semuanya yang involving design sampe jadi, sampe kejual. Tetapi sekarang, semua pekerjaan seniorku menjadi
pekerjaan ku><...didalam waktu beberapa hari**

Taking order, repair, follow up design talking to the factory ppl..
All this is done in Chinese! not mentioning that in the future,
I have to explain the details and all parts of the drawings in mandarin.

I am just so amazed how this beautiful language is placed such an important place in my life and my job

Tuhan, You are So GREAT in my life.
You give me the chance to grow and take so much responsibility now.
just Thank God for all these...

Eventhough I am still struggling now++.
i believe He knows my capacity and will give me guidance alwayz^^

So.. Thank you to all those who encouraged me to study hard for my chinese.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mdc Latihan


Thank you for the effort, commitment and sacrificenya.
Well done deh** hehehe....
Ini latihan kita dan kalian kereeeen!!!

JIa YOU! untuk lebih creative lagi!

Monday, November 17, 2008

God bless you! MErry Christmas!

MDC ORiginal
Creative Ministry
With love^^
Enjoy! Merry Christmas everyone..

Sunday, November 9, 2008

why I am still in Singapore?

Dear Diary,

I have been thinking about so many things lately.
Why am I still in Singapore and why am I still here???
I just keep on asking myself, why ya? why?
I think Only GOd knows the answer to my qsn.

Sometimes I feel so difficult to work here**
With the stress and expectations in work everyday,
I have to learn so many things fast,
remember things and how to solve problems efficiently.
I hope I am trying my best at work though...
Just a little stress sometimes not knowing how and what to do...

That now, I am wondering how long I can stay in this job.

I can only do my best and be positive about this happenings around me,
that whatever I do will be useful for my future.
So that in the future, I can have good experience, able to handle things
and be independent.

hehehe,, I just realised one thing..
life is not as easy!!! and there's really such thing as hard earned money^^
money that is really earned by your sweat and tears.

Eventhough all this happen to me now,
I am still happy though^^
Thank you to all my friends who always support me and comfort me when I am feeling down and low.
My sisters and brothers- Love you all!
you colour my life so beautifully and appreciate all your sincerity and kindness.
Thank GOd too! For he is good in my life.

"Semua yang indah, bagus, mahal harganya itu,
semuanya membutuhkan proses yang mungkin pahit, mengerikan, susah, dan memusingkan.
Tetapi semua pengorbanan pasti akan terbayar pada saatnya yang tepat, yang telah
dijanjikan dan direncanakan Tuhan^^.
Trust in Him and you will never go wrong in life++


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blur day....**

haaaarrriiii iniii,

Susahnya bekerja....
harus mau melakukan apa yang bos mau..

JIA YOU!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

terpaksa nge blog

Gara2 Try complain2 ga ada update...

Mau update aja^^ gini gini...
LIza baru under slimming programme.
entah bisa berhasil atau tidak...
but there's always effort to be done><

hari ini gua jogging, muterin kalen alias got.
ama siapa?
The special thing is that, we jog under the rain!
wahh asik banget.
dingin2 udara yang sejuk dan segar.

feel the wind blowing, the bird is singing..
the sky is so blue... so beautiful

lalu maunya renang...
tapi ga dibolehin..
hiks hiks hiks...
soalnya takut kalo ada lightning.

setelah selesai mandi dan siap2 untuk pergi latihan,
The sky is so clear!!!!!
dan kolam renang bisa dipakai...
kita sudah mau pergi.. hikssssss

hahahah kapan2 juga bisa renang lagi kok^^
yang penting happy day everyday!
lose some calorie, be healthy and feel good!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

sayang semuanya..

satu satu..
aku sayang eve,

dua dua..
aku sayang andre(as)

tiga tiga..
aku sayang try

satu dua tiga,
sayang semuanya....


list nya belum selesai....
yang belum disebut, jangan ngambek yaahh..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Me & Rusa

me and russsaa

Christmas is coming!!!!
So much to prepare and so much fun awaits ><

Nice pose ndreaaa rudolph heeeee**
The christmas spirit!

WIth love

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bersyukurlah akan waktu yang kita punya untuk bisa bersama...

Bersyukur sekali ...

Thank you aja to all my great friends who has been there for me all these while.
Semuanya udah ngasih memory2 yang indah banget di dalam taun2 ini..

Try, andreas, evelyn, syerin, mel, leo, nick...
kalo inget waktu2 kita suffer together, gila together,ke bali, ke Hong kong, maen
kerumah masak2,saling ngerjaiin, saling ngetawaiin,
yang aneh2 heheheh... RDI Indo Rocks gitu lho.**
I really love you all dan bersyukur banget kenal kalian2 ini.

Hari ini aku baru aja realize kalo time waits for no man><
If you want to do something today, do it!
Don't wait until tomorrow as tomorrow may never come.

Sekarang yg satu dah di UK, dah balik Indo kerja...
duh,kalo dipikirin, semua waktu yang kita punya itu limited sekali ya?

Pertemuan hanya sebentar dan kita harus pisah...
JAdi aku hanya bisa bersyukur kalau aku bisa spend time dengan kalian,
selama ini kita bisa aja bareng2 makan2 enak,
sharing, maen, ngossip, ngerjaiin. ketawa2 bareng^^

kalian itu sebuah happiness deh**

Thank you all my friends..
You all made a difference in my life!

Masuk hadiratnya^^ Menari Tamborine><

credits- Edward

Mdc Singapore 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

ku kan menari Part II + bersama sama" MDC"

Originally made with Love
Mdc Copyright
credit- edward*

ku kan menariiiiiii** part 1 ( ira, arini, Liza, syerin ) (Wl andreas, linda, feshia)

Originally made with Love^^
MDC Copyright

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Everyday have to be happy^^

Hari yang baik...
set up gallery.. busy busy busy like a bee**
hari ini ditraktir bos makan vegetarian! lumayan enak lah..
sayur sayur hijau yang sangat bermanfaat untuk tubuh.

Hari yang sangat panjang... pagi2 dah ke MOM ngurus pass lagi.
Thank God semua sudah dilalui dengan baik dan sudah aman di Singapore.
Tidak akan di usir** heee....

Makan2 enak terus nih hari2 ini..
Happy2nya keterusan sampe gendutan..
makanya sekarang lagi diprogram untuk sit up tiap hari
ga boleh bolos sit upnya..,sampe sakiiitttt!



nice nice nice....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the last picture taken before try left

blog baru

hari ini
akhirnya aku mbuat blog baru^^
terimakasih atas bantuannya yah..

matur nuwun nggih,