Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a little something about gender><

Today we celebrated mel's 21st Bday at cineleisure>>>
ck ck ck. kita memang hebat hebohnya! hahahaha happy day deh..
nyanyi ga karu2an.. melegakan stress.

Ini ceritanya setelahnya aku pulang dari karaokean.
Aku pulang sendiri naik bis... hehehe...
dan pas aku duduk, aku melihat 2 orang cowo^^ good looking!
very well groomed, cukur alis, rambut tertata rapi, bajunya juga so nice, cool, keren.
hehe.. just 2 really nice looking guys.
They are pretty interesting...

The both of them have the same nike bag, or so I observed.
As I have nothing to do, observing them made me realise something deeper..
As a jeweller point of view.. hee.. I saw that on their right hand, they have this bangle,black in colour, simple design..might be made from rubber or even wood. The both of them were wearing it.couple bangle yah???

Then I look at their^ neck, nothing there. hahaha..
After that, Isaw their ear. waaa! He has a * bling on the right ear.The other guy too, has a stud, smaller one on the middle plus two black studs. If you don't look carefully.. you might think that it is a mole! hahaha..interesting jewellery nih!
Jewel in disguise.

Then I see his right ear.. they have this small black dot, mole looking, as it was really tiny right in the middle of the ear,at the bone, nearest to the face. aku kiraiin andeng2.. lalu aku liat cowo satunya,dia juga ada sama..hitam2 at the same exact spot, I was astonished kuaget.. hahahaha.. they even pierce at the same place.....! mereka Guys romantis!now.. jewellery really mean something.>< nice nice.... It is such a waste that such good looking guys love another guy.. heeee.kok ya bisaa..

At the same time... in the bus, I look on my left,.. I saw!!!!! a couple., thought a girl and a guy,then I realisedd duaduanya cewe!!!!!!!! what has happened with this world..zzzzzzz
toengggg udah deh.. mereka mesraaaa hmmmm ga pengen nglanjutin kalo yg ini..

that's all for today! something to ponder about our gender. Have we all get confused over it? ...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My thoughts after a year of working%$#@

For the past few months, I have not been feeling good and right about life, always thinking so negatively about my own future.
deluded with all the boring,mundane work that I have to do everyday, I don't feel rewarded at all. tired, overwork, so much things to do....and it's like there's no end to it....
semuanya yg negative deh.
Tapi....kenapa dan apa sourcenya?
aku mencari2 jawabannya dan selalu mengeluh all the time...
Tetapi, apakah semuanya itu berguna untuk hari2 didepanku yang harus kulalui?..
It took me weeks even up to now, I still need to really remind myself all the time that my future in front of me is sure and bright.**

I guess I was just blinded for a few months.. and Thinking about it made me irritated as I have wasted my days thinking over things that i shoudn't really think too much right now.... I know God has great plans for me and I am really looking forward to those thngs he has provided for me. Have FAITH><

Well, I think a little differently now . After my crazy days.. I decided to stop all this unecessary unhappiness and unwellness in my mind. I think if I continue on, I might not be able to live anymore. This is a real stress, that I have never felt it in my whole life!. Never!! as my life has always been so happy ,smooth sailing without anything to worry about. God has been sooo good in my life and I still believe that He will not let me be down for so long. Giving me hope still and I am so glad i saw that stray of hope...He never let me face this alone. MAny things now has changed and my style, thinking, hopes, dreams, and my expectation for my future... the nearest future.. is my work. I have to finish it well!!!!!!

After that long I realised... if you want to do big things it comes with big responsibility. Really.. getting promoted and to stay at the top may be the coolest thing that you wanna achieve, but with the responsibility that you need to take.. if only you can see the future, you may think twice about that. Thinking that life can be good and easy. well, it may be the opposite.

However, we have to take all the chances and opportunities to improve ourselves!. The difference about today and tomorrow is that Today you can't do it, but tomorrow, you can! today you do the wrong thing, but tomorrow you do the right things and will not make the same mistake twice. phew.. it's about your knowledge and experience.. unfortunately in my case, there is really sooo many chance to make mistakes. I am so amazeeedddd. Experience really just takes time to get it... the older you become, the more experienced you will be! hahaha,need to sacrifice our life time.

Just with a blink, I already haev a year of experience. cepetttt nyaaaa........and I realised...
jewellery is such a troublesome thing plus the process from designing to making to selling is suchhhh a tedious job!!!! there is just so many tiny things that you need to pay attention to. it's Wow!! heeee... something to interesting,cool, wow,beautiful,but it can also be mean, frustrating, irritating and.....

capeeeekkkk!!! but if I look back now, I have been really through a looott!!
wooooowwwww!!! nothing comparable to my study for 3 years in RDI. I learnt it all in just barely a year. everything and more!! ! hmmmmm.. Now, what should I complain, I am more skilled,with my experience, and a bit of savings. Why am I still unhappy.
Hahaha,... Tomorrow! I still have to face tomorrow and the week which seems like a long way to go ..if you think about it.. it becomes weeeek! wek! hahaha...unbearable pressure! phew...

OKay..tomorrow... let me worry tomorrow.
Think positivly and face it bravely!
Only in my mind that I can't do this.
I am sure that everything is done for my own good and bright future..

I feel so much better after writing all this.
Phewwww..... Adem ayem.^^