Friday, January 30, 2009

Dancing underwater** woW! ANdai aku bisa..


Menari di dalam air *
Hanya kagum aja dgn foto2 mereka ini yang sangat anggun yet, full of energy and emotions.

Dance in perfect motion.

They look so elegant and so expressive in their motion
of their body, hair, clothes, expression.

These are the work of 5 graduates from the Fashion DEsign and Fashion Styling programs has this futuristic concept about being alive underwater as their projects.
THey really took a big effort to get their pictures into these perfections.
To have a perfect shot, they took 5 days to complete this with 2200 or more photographs taken. THere are 23 professionals swimmers to be involved in these big project.
It's an amazing achievements!

Creativity memang ga ada batasnya**
small thoughts can lead to achieving big things that the world could never imagine.
^^ Be creative in thinking and you'll wonder.
How much you can make a difference.. hahaha..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One lovely ring


(Milky Quartz) cloudy whitish ,translucent in colour.
Here is liza's new collection^^

I just can't resist it... the first time I tried it on my finger..
kinclong2 gt rasanya.. hahaha..

Aku menunggu untuk 1 hari untuk mendapatkannya..
karena tidak boleh membeli on impulse....
Jdnya setelah aku lihat, aku mikir2 dan tidak membelinya di pandangan pertama.

hahahaa.. tapi mgkn memang jodoh karena the next day aku balik ,
hehehe rupanya masih ada>< lgsung de jd milikku. yeay!

This ring is crystal clear with white which sparkles under the light..
glossy look seperti es krim!!
material nya cooling when touched and smooootthh><
hahaha.. I love it..
walau aga berat di pakai dan harus hati2 kalau terbentur suaranya keras bgt.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

di tahun 2009

udah new year!
That's fast.><

Many resolutions for this new year.
untuk lebih dewasa and be more responsible..
so much mistakes I have done and many lesson learnt for the year 2008.
hopefully mistakes will be few this year><

New year always start with a new beginning.
I hope that new beginning will begin this year.

ALways be optimistic!