Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a little something about gender><

Today we celebrated mel's 21st Bday at cineleisure>>>
ck ck ck. kita memang hebat hebohnya! hahahaha happy day deh..
nyanyi ga karu2an.. melegakan stress.

Ini ceritanya setelahnya aku pulang dari karaokean.
Aku pulang sendiri naik bis... hehehe...
dan pas aku duduk, aku melihat 2 orang cowo^^ good looking!
very well groomed, cukur alis, rambut tertata rapi, bajunya juga so nice, cool, keren.
hehe.. just 2 really nice looking guys.
They are pretty interesting...

The both of them have the same nike bag, or so I observed.
As I have nothing to do, observing them made me realise something deeper..
As a jeweller point of view.. hee.. I saw that on their right hand, they have this bangle,black in colour, simple design..might be made from rubber or even wood. The both of them were wearing it.couple bangle yah???

Then I look at their^ neck, nothing there. hahaha..
After that, Isaw their ear. waaa! He has a * bling on the right ear.The other guy too, has a stud, smaller one on the middle plus two black studs. If you don't look carefully.. you might think that it is a mole! hahaha..interesting jewellery nih!
Jewel in disguise.

Then I see his right ear.. they have this small black dot, mole looking, as it was really tiny right in the middle of the ear,at the bone, nearest to the face. aku kiraiin andeng2.. lalu aku liat cowo satunya,dia juga ada sama..hitam2 at the same exact spot, I was astonished kuaget.. hahahaha.. they even pierce at the same place.....! mereka Guys romantis!now.. jewellery really mean something.>< nice nice.... It is such a waste that such good looking guys love another guy.. heeee.kok ya bisaa..

At the same time... in the bus, I look on my left,.. I saw!!!!! a couple., thought a girl and a guy,then I realisedd duaduanya cewe!!!!!!!! what has happened with this world..zzzzzzz
toengggg udah deh.. mereka mesraaaa hmmmm ga pengen nglanjutin kalo yg ini..

that's all for today! something to ponder about our gender. Have we all get confused over it? ...

1 comment:

venatici said...'s pretty obvious thou..should observe their thorax! alias chest!
there should be something that kind of bulge over a progressive loft..(industrial designer way of speaking) hehehe