Monday, November 24, 2008

Chinese language in my life><

aku sangat bersyukur...
karena aku bisa berbahasa cina.
walau tidak seberapa ok dan perfect,
walau aku sering fail di sekolah,
walau orang2 sering ga mudeng bahasa cina ku,
karena hampir tidak pernah digunakan, tetapi sekarang,...
semua effort ku ga sia2 dan sangan dibutuhkan
- karenaaaaa semua org di office kecuali aku ga bisa baca cina><

High pressure nih!

Kejadiannya baru mulai hari rabo, waktu senior ku
quit her job. Selama ini dia yang bantuiin kerjaiin hampir semuanya yang involving design sampe jadi, sampe kejual. Tetapi sekarang, semua pekerjaan seniorku menjadi
pekerjaan ku><...didalam waktu beberapa hari**

Taking order, repair, follow up design talking to the factory ppl..
All this is done in Chinese! not mentioning that in the future,
I have to explain the details and all parts of the drawings in mandarin.

I am just so amazed how this beautiful language is placed such an important place in my life and my job

Tuhan, You are So GREAT in my life.
You give me the chance to grow and take so much responsibility now.
just Thank God for all these...

Eventhough I am still struggling now++.
i believe He knows my capacity and will give me guidance alwayz^^

So.. Thank you to all those who encouraged me to study hard for my chinese.


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