Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What is your calling in life...

What do we all want in Our life?
Is it very difficult to achieve it?
sometimes it leaves you wondering about the things in life that you want to do and achieve, but somehow it is still far away from you. Instead of getting it closer, it goes further.
Recently.. I have been asking myself a lot about what do I want in my life.. I could not get a clear answer. if I cannot answer it myself then who could??? I am still searching for the best since I am now married. I think much  more differently. It is interesting that passion is the start as Jeff Goins says. Passion is the starting point to lead you to the calling of your life. What do I want to do with my life and how can I get a fulfilled life.
For a start.. It is interesting to imagine where you wanna be five years from now. Maybe this is what I want and maybe not. God has placed me to this wonderful country with the wonderful people, and yet I am still struggling? What have I done wrong? What should I do to make it right?
I am still searching for the answer ...:) LIve a life that is full of purpose.

God bless everyone...

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