Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Feel connected

Everyday... we think, feel, connect, and I guess to some, we Love.
A small thought  can bring a big change into our life.
Its a choice to love, to be romantically involved with someone.. but everything cannot grow without time.. without effort and without good thoughts in it.
My pastor told us that before marriage, we shoud be happy first.. Then we can share our happiness to each other after marriage. 

There is always hope to a happy relationship and a happy marriage.hihi..

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Journey to the beautiful future.

Thank You God for all the things you have given me...^^

Everyday , we always live with challenges, stress and expectations of other people and of course from ourselves.
Sometimes we doubt, we wonder and got lost along the way. But Lord, I know you are always with me everyday... not just today.. but yesterday and tomorrow as well. Never for once you leave me.

Future.. is something that gives us hope to live,.. to work, to satisfy.. We all hope to live well.. not having to worry about money, clothes and all other necessities. That is why we work hard to get the money.. and hoping after we get the money, we are going to be secured with a good future, then with that., we hope for more and more that we feel nothing anymore... about the whole thing. We are never satisfied.
So.. is it really the end that gives us happiness? or is it the journey itself which will determine our success and happiness?

The Journey will be beautiful... if we can appreciate what we have. Just stop and think about what we can do up till now, what we have up till now.. How wonderful God has provided us with everything we need.
Give thanks...for every little things we have..

Secondly, The Journey to the beautiful future... is ours to decide. Happiness, is actually in your hand to decide. Whether you are old or young.. you can be happy if You want to be Happy. Make your life richer... go out and breathe the morning air.. appreciate the sun.. the moon and the awesome people around you. Like gems that beautify your life^^. Really happy to know that I still have some very cool friends that I can share all my thoughts, my feelings, my sadness with. Thank you...

I believe that everyday is a gift from God... we breathe everyday without difficulty.. is also a gift from God..
I have parents who cares for me, sisters who always back me up when I am down, and a cheecky brother who is so ngangenin. I Love all of you.. deep down in my heart. Never know how I can ever be thankful to God in giving me such a good family in my life. Not forgetting my baby sitter.. who are always there when I needed someone to listen to all my problems. I love you all.

Don't wait to be happy. Count your blessings^^ Be Happy Now and you will have a beautiful future..^^
Smile... The future waits upon you..
God bless you.